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Unlock the Power of Your Manufacturing Team in Raleigh with Tradesmen International


Our custom manufacturing staffing strategies are designed to support manufacturing HR and Plant Management teams, enabling your company to:

  • Access to proven skilled workers on-demand
  • Increase production output  / Reduce backlog
  • Reduce overtime, workers’ comp, unemployment and other costs

We employ all trades, at all skill levels – Our skilled craftworkers emphasize Safety, Productivity and Professionalism!

Find skilled Manufacturing workers

Raleigh, North Carolina is not only known for its thriving tech scene but also its robust manufacturing sector. This sector plays a pivotal role in the local economy, contributing significantly to job creation and economic growth. To maintain this growth, the manufacturing industry relies heavily on its workforce. 

On this page, we will explore the manufacturing staffing landscape in Raleigh, examining its importance, recruitment strategies, employee retention strategies, legal considerations, and the role of Tradesmen International in addressing staffing needs.

Brief Overview of the Manufacturing Sector in Raleigh, NC

The manufacturing sector in Raleigh is a vital component of the city’s economy. It encompasses a wide range of industries, including pharmaceuticals, electronics, aerospace, and more. With a strategic location, qualified candidates, and access to research institutions, Raleigh has become an attractive hub for manufacturing companies.

Importance of Staffing in the Manufacturing Industry

Staffing is the backbone of any successful manufacturing operation. A skilled and motivated workforce is essential to meet production goals, maintain quality standards, and ensure the efficient functioning of the manufacturing process. Moreover, the manufacturing industry has a significant impact on the local economy, and its ability to create jobs is closely tied to its staffing capabilities.

Current State of Manufacturing in Raleigh

The manufacturing industry plays an important role in Raleigh’s economy. With many manufacturing companies, Raleigh offers local job seekers plenty of opportunities. 

Key Manufacturing Sectors and Players in Raleigh

Raleigh boasts a diverse manufacturing landscape. It is home to several prominent manufacturing companies such as Lenovo, GSK, and Cree, which operate in sectors ranging from technology to pharmaceuticals. These companies not only contribute to the city’s economy but also drive innovation in their respective fields.

Impact of the Manufacturing Industry on the Local Economy

The manufacturing industry has a far-reaching impact on the local economy in Raleigh. It provides jobs to thousands of residents, supports small businesses in the supply chain, and generates tax revenue that supports community infrastructure and services. As a result, any disruptions in the manufacturing sector due to staffing challenges can have ripple effects on the entire community.

Recruitment Strategies

Some of the best practices for recruiting skilled workers in this region include:

Competitive Compensation Packages

Manufacturing companies in Raleigh offer competitive wages to entice skilled workers. By providing attractive salary packages, they aim to not only attract top talent but also retain them in the long term. In addition to base salaries, they may offer performance-based bonuses, incentives, and other monetary benefits.

Comprehensive Benefits

To enhance their recruitment efforts, these companies provide comprehensive benefits packages. These packages often include health insurance, retirement plans, paid time off, and other perks. Offering a range of benefits demonstrates a commitment to employee well-being and work-life balance.

Career Growth Opportunities

Manufacturing firms in Raleigh emphasize career growth as a key recruitment strategy. They provide avenues for skill development and advancement within the organization. Opportunities for training, upskilling, and promotions motivate skilled workers to join and stay with the company.

Staffing Agencies

Many manufacturing companies in Raleigh leverage the services of staffing agencies like Tradesmen International to address their recruitment needs. These agencies specialize in connecting manufacturers with skilled workers, acting as intermediaries between the demand for talent and the available workforce. Staffing agencies have extensive networks and expertise in matching candidates with suitable job openings.

Employee Referral Programs

Manufacturing companies often implement employee referral programs to tap into their existing workforce’s network. Current employees are encouraged to refer skilled candidates for open positions, with incentives like bonuses or rewards for successful referrals. This approach not only attracts potential talent but also reinforces employee engagement.

Online Job Platforms

Utilizing online job platforms and social media channels is another common strategy. Manufacturing firms post job listings on various online platforms, making it convenient for job seekers to find and apply for positions. Active engagement on social media platforms helps in building the company’s online presence and attracting potential candidates.

Employee Retention Strategies

Manufacturers in Raleigh understand the importance of retaining skilled workers:

Techniques to Improve Employee Retention

In the competitive landscape of manufacturing, employee retention is a critical factor for sustained success. Manufacturers employ various techniques to enhance employee satisfaction and loyalty, ultimately reducing turnover rates. Here are some key strategies they use:

Cultivating a Positive Work Culture

Manufacturing companies understand the importance of fostering a positive work culture. They strive to create an environment where employees feel valued, respected, and motivated. This includes:

  • Promoting open communication: Encouraging employees to voice their concerns, ideas, and feedback, fostering a sense of involvement and transparency.
  • Employee recognition programs: Acknowledging and rewarding employees for their contributions and achievements, boosting morale and motivation.
  • Team-building activities: Organizing team-building events and initiatives to strengthen relationships among coworkers, creating a sense of camaraderie.
  • Emphasizing safety: Prioritizing workplace safety not only ensures the well-being of employees but also demonstrates a commitment to their welfare.

Competitive Benefits Packages

To attract and retain skilled workers, manufacturing companies offer competitive benefits packages that go beyond just salary. These packages often include:

  • Health and wellness benefits: Comprehensive health insurance, dental, and vision plans to ensure employees and their families have access to quality healthcare.
  • Retirement plans: Contributory 401(k) plans or pension schemes to help employees secure their financial future.
  • Paid time off: Generous vacation, sick leave, and holiday policies to support work-life balance.
  • Employee assistance programs: Services such as counseling, mental health support, and financial counseling to address personal and professional challenges.

Opportunities for Career Development

Manufacturers recognize that providing avenues for career growth is crucial for retaining talent. They offer:

  • Training and skill development: Regular training programs to enhance employees’ technical skills and keep them up-to-date with industry trends.
  • Clear career paths: Defined pathways for advancement within the organization, giving employees a sense of purpose and progression.
  • Tuition reimbursement: Financial assistance for further education or certifications, encouraging employees to continue their professional development.
  • Cross-functional opportunities: Encouraging employees to explore different roles and departments, allowing them to diversify their skills and experiences.

Continuous Feedback and Employee Engagement

Manufacturers actively seek feedback from employees and engage them in decision-making processes. This involves:

  • Performance reviews and feedback sessions: Regular evaluations to discuss goals, achievements, and areas for improvement.
  • Employee surveys: Collecting input on workplace satisfaction, allowing companies to address concerns and make improvements.
  • Involvement in decision-making: Including employees in discussions about company policies, initiatives, and changes, making them feel invested in the organization’s success.

Legal Considerations & Skill Requirements

Manufacturing staffing in Raleigh also faces legal and skill-related challenges:

Overview of Labor Laws and Regulations

Companies must navigate labor laws and regulations, ensuring compliance with safety standards and employment laws to create a safe and fair working environment.

Need for Skilled Workers

Many manufacturing roles require specialized skills, making it crucial for businesses to access top talent with expertise in fields such as engineering, precision machining, and welding.

Staffing With Tradesmen International

Tradesmen International is a trusted partner for manufacturers in Raleigh in need of skilled craftworkers. With its vast network of trade workers, Tradesmen International helps companies meet their staffing needs, from electricians and plumbers to HVAC technicians and welders. Their commitment to quality and safety aligns perfectly with the needs of the manufacturing sector.

Staffing in the manufacturing sector is essential for Raleigh’s economic growth and sustainability. To address the challenges and seize the opportunities in this dynamic industry, manufacturers should adopt recruitment strategies that align with changing technology trends, prioritize employee retention, and adhere to legal regulations. 

Tradesmen International stands ready to support manufacturers in Raleigh by providing access to a pool of skilled workers, ensuring businesses have the workforce they need to thrive in this competitive environment. Embracing innovative staffing solutions will be key to the continued success of the manufacturing sector in Raleigh, NC. 

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Devise a skilled staffing plan today

With a CORE + Flex skilled labor strategy, Tradesmen provides a no-cost labor productivity consultation.

We help contractors plan to run a lean staffing solution comprised of their core full-time workforce. 

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