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Get On-Demand Access to Experienced Roofers

Tradesmen can tailor a contingent staffing solution to:

  • Maximize workforce productivity
  • Reduce hiring costs and challenges
  • Limit overtime expenditures
  • Minimize workers’ compensation exposure

Need to Find Proven Roofers for Your Jobsite?

As the demand for talented roofers grows, it’s increasingly important to have a reliable source for “just in time” craftworkers. Without a trusted roofing recruitment and staffing solution, you might find yourself without the craftworkers you need to get the job done on time and on budget. That’s why the most successful contractors and construction businesses choose Tradesmen International.

Tradesmen is a leading staffing agency in the area for high-quality, contingent construction craftworkers and industrial trades. With an extensive database of proven, skilled craftworkers, the dependable roofers you need are just a phone call away. Plus, our craftworkers are permanent Tradesmen employees, so we cover all labor-related costs, including workers’ compensation, unemployment and benefits. We also offer our craftworkers a 10-hour OSHA safety training course and subject them to regular client satisfaction evaluations.

A Custom Roofer Staffing Solution

Tradesmen has been recruiting, onboarding and retaining verifiably skilled craftworkers since 1992. Each employee completes a stringent hiring process, including in-person or virtual interviews, skills evaluations and more. The result is an elite database of proven professionals who prioritize safety, productivity and craftsmanship.

You can rest assured that the skilled roofers we send to your jobsite have experience in:

  • Installing new roofing
  • New construction roofs
  • Repairing roofing
  • Roof and membrane installation
  • Flat and pitched roofs
  • Standing seam roof installation
  • And more

Whatever your project calls for, on-demand access to reliable roofers is just a phone call away with Tradesmen. Access to our workforce allows you to complete jobs more productively, expand your business’ geographic reach, bid on more opportunities and tackle projects of all sizes.

Devise a Flexible Staffing Plan with Elite Contract Roofers

Tradesmen International provides a proven CORE + Flex labor staffing strategy, starting with a no-cost labor productivity consultation, to help your business survive and thrive. Contact us today to devise a lean staffing strategy and request proven roofers, or visit our residential construction FAQs to learn more.

Devise a skilled staffing plan today

With a CORE + Flex skilled labor strategy, Tradesmen provides a no-cost labor productivity consultation.

We help contractors plan to run a lean staffing solution comprised of their core full-time workforce. 

Request a Free Consultation