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Contingent workers are non-permanent workers that are brought in on an as-needed basis. For contractors, this means bringing on additional craftworkers to support the core team when workflow demands are high due to seasonality, short-turnaround projects, or other factors. When the project is over, the contingent workers leave. They are not employees of the contractor or business owner, and there is no obligation to provide them with ongoing work.

Keep in mind that contingent workers are not temporary workers—this undermines their level of talent and expertise. Contingent workers are experienced, highly skilled experts in their trade. They are hired to complete specific tasks for specific projects, and are chosen for their proven skill in that area.

Benefits of a Contingent Staffing Solution

Utilizing contingent staffing services offers a variety of benefits. For one thing, because contingent workers are not your employees, you don’t have to pay for health benefits or other payroll costs. For example, at Tradesmen International all of our craftworkers are permanent Tradesmen employees, so we cover labor-related costs like workers’ compensation, benefits, unemployment and overtime.

In addition, when you incorporate contingent workers into your overall staffing strategy, you can maintain a smaller permanent workforce of only your top craftworkers. As the workload increases beyond what your core team can handle, your contingent staffing partner can supply the additional craftworkers you need. When the workload decreases, you simply send the contingent workers back. Since you’re getting extra manpower support only when needed, your workforce productivity levels will increase substantially.

Having on-demand access to a proven pool of skilled contingent workers also gives you the ability to bid on more projects, stay on budget, and hit your deadlines. Some contractors even use the savings they gain from running a lean workforce to improve benefits or payroll for their permanent staff, which can boost employee morale, retention and productivity.

Another benefit is the ability to quickly and easily find the skills and experience you need for a specific project that your permanent employees may not possess. With contingent staffing, you get access to a wide variety of skilled trades that can fill any gaps on your team on an as-needed basis.

Contingent staffing solutions allow you to maintain an optimized work-to-worker ratio that will maximize your overall workforce productivity and profit margins. To learn more or to get the skilled craftworkers you need to complete your next project, contact Tradesmen International.

Devise a skilled staffing plan today

With a CORE + Flex skilled labor strategy, Tradesmen provides a no-cost labor productivity consultation.

We help contractors plan to run a lean staffing solution comprised of their core full-time workforce. 

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